Thursday 20 March 2014

Narration and Poetry research

I have been looking into narration in film and video games a lot so that i can acquire the style and tone i need to apply in my game level, from my research i have found that i need something soft and well wrote, something that needs to be said in a way that goes through to peoples hearts, as cliche' as that sounds. To create that feeling of ore and involvement that makes you just feel like you care about the story you are being told. I have been listening to a lot of narrations from David Ateenbourgh and other things such as Sir Ian Mckelen 

I tried to look into the best i could how people narrate things in a  way that hits your heart, pronouncing words in a way that appeals to the ear, like the likes of Patrick Stuart.

So i listened to a few narrations one from Hellboy 2 the golden army which audio shows an old mans voice telling an old tale which shows that it fits in well with the story line and audio old = old
like for example my level is medieval  = old posh
I need to find something and someone that suites this tone of voice.

I also gave listening to girls narrate poetry a go a really good one i remember watching was at the cinema in Harry Potter and the the deathly hallows. I found again thought that she very much pronounces her words and uses absolute feeling and timing in such a way to get the story across with emotion, i must be able to get this type of emotion into my narration and poem as i don't want it to be monotone or boring i want the player to be interested in what happens next and inspired by the visuals. 

Lastly after playing Dear esther I looked into the poem and listened over and over to how it was portrayed and stylised the guys at the chinese room are really talented and make games just down my street. I'm gonna look into them some more for sure. 

Just the Narration of Dear esther - below

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