Monday 31 March 2014

Building a showreel

I looked around at what makes a good showreel by viewing other peoples showreels who were also in the same specialist practise as i want to go into, I watched all of the ones you see below and took into account what each person did. They used a combination of fantastic visuals, well edited sound and a mixture of text effects to create a well flowing showreel. 
They also used techniques like fade in and fade out to make the showreel flow more smoothly, i may try this in final cut pro but as i have used fade in and fade out before i know that mine will look better with still shots that change, I will be incorporating text into some of my shots to show in writing as well as visually what i can do, I have found from this research that having text and then a pause makes the showreel look better instead of having text on every single slide.

Here are some of the 3D environment artist showreels I looked at, there are some really talented people out there, watching these have inspired me and also pushed me to want to make my skills increase and one day have a showreel this good- 
Sam Hayes

Chris Green

Hus Zekayi

Shaun Baker

Marc Shephard

Lewis Davis / Matthew Horsfall

Here is my finished showreel-

From researching what makes a good showreel I know that timing and sound in it as just as crucial as what is being viewed, if something is completely out of sink or the sound isn't editing correctly the video looses focus and just doesn't look like it fits. 
So i spent most of my time editing the music to fit the changes of the showreel, I wanted to try and get the best parts of the showreel on the bridge of the song as these are the parts that are going to be more stimulating than the others. 

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