Thursday 20 March 2014

6th Feb - Presentation

Our first presentation to the group was to get a better understanding of what the project actually was, what format it would take, who the audience was, areas of research and testing etc...
Originally my first Idea and statement of intent was a completely different idea entirely
here is my statement of intent from the first time before have it reviewed by Mike and changing it due to the feedback from him and from this presentation. 
Here is my old statement of intent which shows how up in the air my idea actually was, I'm so glad I changed it from feedback and this presentation. 

Mikes Feedback really helped me to try and get a better direction and order, it was a bit all over the place and i hadn't fully decided on anything that much other than designing a 3d level environment for a character to explore. 

learned a lot about my idea from presenting it to the class, I found that everyone loved the idea of animals that had the same intelligence level, they really enjoyed it and got sucked in to things it could inspire, however Matt made a very good point of interaction and the point of it, it was a really nice idea and something i may revisit in the future with a bit more direction, but in truth it was a very open idea and it didn't have the direction of a strong storyline that a player could understand and relate too. If i had created three or four environment levels like i wanted too it would have been hard to show what these levels actually were without having a character behind them to tell the story. It may have looked really pretty but from the brief we needed something that had more too it. Matt also pointed out that there should be some sort of interaction in this game level, I thought long and hard about this and i decided to completely swap my idea at the last possible minute that i could, i had invested a few weeks research into this but nothing i couldn't recover from, it was the best idea I've made this project. Swapping that is. 

So from this presentation it gave me the incentive and drive to start gathering research on my new idea as i had stumbled across a 3d poetry level idea, i immediately dropped my old idea and began working on the new one, so this is why the presentation is on the old idea, Matt said this would be fine as I had enough time changing my idea at this point due to feedback. This presentation was extremely helpful and I may have been doing another less directed project without it. 

Please see some screenshots of my presentation below-

I agree with my thoguhts below too, it was a little childish, i wanted something that would show off my 3d environment skills so this project was not it. 

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