Tuesday 22 October 2013

Sound Designer - Andy - Primary research

For another piece of primary research I was able to talk online with a friend and sound designer who I met at a networking event in Leeds we kept in touch and he is currently releasing an indie game called Hyphen if you want to check it out here is the link - www.indiedb.com/games/hyphen 

On the topic of sound and horror and I asked him whether he had made horror sounds for games before and what he thinks makes a scary sound this was his reply,

 I have made horror sounds for games before the best thing you can do is make them subtle in the background low in the mix so like a low rustling against silence this is pretty powerful or something like frequencies between like 27-500hz you can use these to scare a player or on the opposite end of the scale for instance like the movie Psycho in the shower scene they use really high frequencies in the shower death scene. Reverb, Repetition and multiple layers of sound really works well builds this kind of weird atmosphere out of sound.’

Heres the screen shot as evidence also- 

I found his help very useful and it goes to show that primary reseach is a very insential source of information, i learned a lot from looking into what Andy suggested and it helped me whilst designing my own sound in my game level. 
http://freesound.org/ was a good send. 
Thank you!

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