Tuesday 22 October 2013

So what is fear? - A look at fear in Video Games and Film

So obviously a big part of this essay is to discover as best as i can what fear is and how it effects us, then from this i can learn how to use it and develop it into my practical.
There are quite a lot of games studios that focus on horror games such as Red Barrel and Konami and what a lot of these games have in common is there use of psychological fear, video games and film always use things against use that we can perceive as real, things that could actually psychically hurt us, like Hitchcock first brought to like in Psycho, Hitchcock brought the fear to life and put the though in your head that anyone can be a murderer, your next door neighbour, the person you sit next to on the bus, anyone.

And games use this too now such as the fear of little girls and boys most people won't be able to tell you why they find little boys and girls scary in film and video games they just do, but the fact is it is because they are afraid of children doing these things in real life they psychologically cannot help it and these are the things i must exploit in my practical and investigate in my dissertation.
Little girls are FREAKY. Take a look for yourself -

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