Sunday 4 November 2012

Royal armouries - Ubisoft talk and Halo tournament :D

Through friends i found out about an event that was being held at the Royal armouries in Leeds. My friend Josh was hosting a talk for ubisoft for the new assassins creed 3 that was coming out so we went down to watch him give the talk and then got into the event next door which was a room full of old school games and a halo 1 tournament. I really love going to little hidden events like these as you just can share your passion with people and just get a little nostalgic :') 
As this event was mostly about assassins creed's gameplay and just playing games there wasn't alot of networking going on but my friend Josh did give us a lot of information on becoming a ubisoft rep if we were interested and capable of relocating to some where such as Manchester  As i've still got a year to go until uni's finished this is obviously not the right time for me to be applying for full time jobs but i do have it in the back of my mind as a back up plan for when i finish. This way i could travel the country and attend events networking and hopefully getting work too as well as being payed for the ubisoft rep job at the same time. This is something i'm going to get even more information on and will look into when i've finished. It's not what i want to do in my life at all but maybe this could be a step in the door so to speak as really it is to do with the people you know and the places you go. 

Here's some pictures of Josh giving his talk and a video of the gameplay

The halo tournament was pretty awesome everyone was getting quite competitive and loving the old school feel of the tv's and xbox's. I had to sit sooooo close to that screen and i think i came in like 13th place.... out of 20 :p

iron man was in town too <3

If i could steal two things :/ 
awesome replicas 

great day out, swing by the royal armouries and check it out there's always really interesting events and displays on. 

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