Thursday 8 November 2012

Floor plans and elevations

 Before starting my terrain i drew up some floor plans to get my idea out of head and down on paper. As i drew it nothing much changed really it did just help me as reference as i made it in unity. 
In the future i'm going to look into more books that show me how to draw in perspective more and architectural drawings as they interest me very much but i never seem to have the time to sit down and learn about them. This i'm going to do. 

Working out the levels from the side which parts would be water, ground level etc gave me a better understanding of size. 

I took my time in researching mountains and made a mood board as i wanted the mountain range to be vast and majestic in comparison to mammoo's tiny presence and igloo. I got it exactly how i wanted it, wouldn't have changed a thing about the terrain. 

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