Friday 9 November 2012

Making the terrain in Unity + h20 :)

I started the main environment by trying out different brushes so i knew what i was working with before i started. I found that if i used the spiky brush first it created the mountains much better and more realistic. I also found that if i increased the size of my brush and decreased it i had much better control of the environment as a whole. I worked from my measurements and floor plans i had made which made it much easier. Annabeth pointed out in time that we needed to be planning things more so i took the time to measure everything up and think logically before diving in. I'll defiantly remember this next time we start a project, we all seemed to forget it a little bit because we were too excited to get down too it but we know have all the plans ready too so were good to go! :)

I worked around a cube to model where the igloo would round abouts go

I wanted to intertwine a walk way and ledges so it made it look more like a realistic mountain range than just have a load of mountains, from my mood board researched i had a good idea of what i wanted from the start so it was easy to get what i wanted. I also found using the smooth brush over the spiked one took away the harsh edges but not too much so they looked just right. I also went over all the mountains with a smaller spiked brush and spiked the middle parts of the mountains and ledges so that they didn't look flat tip to toe because obviously mountains aren't like that.

Here's a sidewards screenshot of the side showing the different elevations i put in so that the robot and water would fit in. It was difficult to get my head around it until i drew up diagrams and measured then worked it out. 

I really like this birds eye view screenshot, i really enjoy working on environments a lot. 

tip - if you ever forget what size etc your environment is go to this - 

here it shows clearly what everything is then you can scale up your maya characters and objects to the correct size to fit in the world you have created.

Making the ice crack showed me just how much i had oversized some things and next time i've learned to absolutely measure EVERYTHING before starting. I did however keep reference of what size the igloo, robot and mammoo were going to be so i knew roughly what size the crack needed to be. I have recently worked this out more throughly 

As you can see i came across the problem of having the right sized panel to fit the ice created but then the ice crack was huge! At least 100x the size of mammoo which would not work at all, so back to working on the crack :p

I added some H20 in and i really like the effects it gave through the water, i took some screenshots to show the camera angle were going to see form the robots view just to show what it will look like.

pretty cool right :)

A problem i came across was that if i added a layer of water for below and one above you could only see threw one and the other turned out black like this one.

But then when i removed the under layer you could see it normal again, gonna have to ask annabeth about this

I figured out the crack water thing, just had to delete one move it then put it back in it's place in another scene. 

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