Monday 4 February 2013

Bioware Talk - BAF - Neil Thompson

Neil's talk was pretty good, worth the £5's i think. He spoke about his life and how he got into the field he's in today. (Bioware) He talked through a slideshow he'd put together of how it was a fluke how he started as it seems how most people started up back then as there wasn't much of an industry like today. As most talkers we've had in he mentioned how he had been laid off and made redundant several times and how many many people had screwed him over but as all the others with passion he stuck too it and finally got his big break. He had some good insight into the games industry but manly the talk was about his life and he didn't really give us that many helpful tips on what to do, how to get into it, who to talk to etc... it was just basically his life and what he's done, which don't get me wrong it was interesting, i just hoped for a little more information on how to get into it now, not then. 
Here's a little video of the talk, hopefully you can get something from it. 

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