Wednesday 15 January 2014

new brief our own - COP3 - Ideas and Final Idea.

So for our FMP's we have been given the chance to pick anything we want as long as we write our our proposal briefs for them. I first started out thinking too big such as creating a whole world or something in mythological times or history as i really enjoy these two subjects.
I went from this idea to a what if scenario involving animals but then after my presentation of this idea (what if animals had the same intelligence levels as us?) I realised that it wasn't focused enough and that i would be wasting time trying to grasp the concept of the game level. What was the point of it? What was i showing? How was the player going to interact with this story? Everyone really liked the idea so maybe this is something i could explore in the future however Matt's feedback from it all promoted me to change my decision just in time.

So, my final idea which i am 100% set on is to design a 3D game level which explores a poem my dad used to read to me when i was little. It is lyrics to a song 'The Tower' However, i have never heard this song and just hear it in my head as a poem so that is what i want the audience to experience too. An interactive poetry based experience which involves the player in a visually beautiful storyline and aesthetically pleasing environment also.
I will begin my research by depicting the poem and go through completely how i want the story to be told. Then i shall move onto researching poetry itself and narration, how to tell a good story as sound is key here and very important, the whole piece could be messed up if i don't find the correct narrator. I will then research loads of game's going through gameplay, style, tone, sound and use these experience to fuel my own project and further push my research and skills. I will then focus on games companies and how they do it adding in professionalism to my piece. Followed by the obvious, moodboards, sketches, concept art, floor plans, etc...

Here is my statement of intent that i wrote, I plan to keep to it a lot. The only thing that i may have trouble with it keeping to the interactions of the level, personally i don't know if i want this fully this is just something Matt was saying to include but i want the level to be narrative based and i want the player to focus on the music and narration and visuals more than anything. This was influenced by poetry and art and games like Dear Esther so I'm trying to create that sense in the game.

Back story
So to create a deeper level of backstory and understanding i decided to depict the poem and take parts from it which i could visually represent such as the white bird flying by, the bower, the tower etc and you could see the poem unfold as you got deeper into the level itself. 
I found that doing this helped me a great deal and i was able to get a better understanding of the story and level layout and what i wanted to model inside the level itself.

Depict the poem here talk about what happens what you want to focus on show and get out of the poem and experience overall.


I also wanted to keep the style and tone of the piece throughout the entire game level, from depicting the poem in my head i saw it as an old medieval fairy tale or story as it uses a little bit of old english and it sounds posh throughout. So i researched a lot medieval history and lifestyle so i could get a feel for the modelling and textures before i started my work. 
Researching this way proved to help me a lot and i felt from it that it gave more more influences and more ideas to work helping to fuel my imagination into making the game level.

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