Gamecity 7 for me was an absolute waste of time. I went down a few days before and everything seemed so unorganized and all over the place and it was such a treck to get there from Leeds. Any who i went down and there was a massive tent set up in the middle of town which held arts and craft for the public to get involved with, there was also a huge screen that showed off games and gave people the chance to play super hexagon. I helped with showing people where to go and got to see a few talks from people but none were really that good to be honest. I left early as it was in Nottingham and took ages to get home so i missed holding the mic's at the end but from the videos i found i didn't miss much. I wouldn't go back again as it seemed to be to attract crowds and not really a specialised event in my opinion. I researched the year before and it seemed like it was better as they had the hit game journey there and it was played on the big screen with everyone and things fell from the inside of the tent as they played i was told. Maybe i just went to the wrong day or year? Still i went and experienced it and i have it for my gaming cv so win win :) I think i prefer things that are more focused on specific topics and more professional such as BAF and comic con
Proteus live at Gamecity7
A game of audio-visual exploration and discovery by Ed Key and David Kanaga
Proteus Gameplay
Super Hexagon gameplay
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