I leanred from research and my dissertation to use dim lighting in horror to keep the viewers always looking in the shadows waiting for something to pop out.
See above in The Woman In Black he explores a young boys victorian bedroom i remember watching this scene and there is always something disturbing about little children being dead or ghosts or there sounds of giggles, children's room and themselves work very well in horror so i worked on the layout of my children's room and thought of assets i could create.
I started to research more images of victorian environments, here's a mood board i created which sparked up some more idea's -
I've picked up a few things i'm going to incorperate in my childs room from this moodboard such as some sort of candle light possibly a torch effect? I will also use a little boys wallpaper to make it look more creepy. The illusion corridor is a good idea too but i knew i was going to do something like this already from my research, i was also reminded of the cabinet of dr. caligari and how he bends walls and shapes of the room this always freaks people out a little and is a good idea to incorperate in such things-

Final Idea
My new final idea is to create a game level in Maya and Unity that synthesis's my dissertation on exploring Fear and how to use and adapt it into film and video games, i will do this by researching a lot into techniques used and then with my knowledge i will portray this research through a 3D environment which shows that i understand fear by invoking it through sound, lighting, timed scripting and atmosphere. I will start by drawing some mock up of floor plans as i want to be organised fro this module.
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