Annabeth gave me a great idea to do a split screen effect so i researched into music videos and films such as scott pilgram to get a more music/band effect in the video. I placed the split screens where i thought they would look best and put them in for a humour value.
I also added a little bit of masked lighting that Matt showed me how to do, a great tip to learn which i will use in the future.
I also used a simple render of a high resolution shot of my image background so that i could insert it behind Jeff so that she looked like she fit in the scene more. It worked well :)
I messed around with the curves and tint colours in after effects to make the smoke look more like the beam colour so it would fit more, i also added a smoked teleport in so that it made sense and she didn't just appear out of nowhere.
Trying out tinting - didn't look great. Another time maybe for something else though?
I really understand masking so mich more than i did at the start of this module, it's a great skill to have and i will develop this further and look more into it.
freeze frame was a good move to learn.